Student Councils Election Held In Sargodha

Student councils election held in Sargodha

SARGODHA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th May, 2024) Approximately three lakh students of all elementary and high schools of Sargodha district participated in their respective student councils in an election on Thursday.

The School education Department (SED) Sargodha conducted election in 1,650 girls and boys elementary and high schools to elect 6,600 student council representatives to foster leadership and democratic values among students.

According to Chief Executive Officer Education Akhtar Baloch, the student council consisted of president, vice president, general secretary and finance secretary, with eligibility for candidacy based on academic grades.

He said that the elections are not just a formality but a practical lesson in democracy. "Responsibilities of elected council members are to serve as role models in discipline and behaviour to organising a plethora of extracurricular activities and these include literary events, debates, sport competitions, and fostering love for reading and writing among their peers," the CEO said.

Akhtar Baloch said that the councils were expected to play a pivotal role in school administration, aiding in the selection of athletes for competitions, managing sport activities and ensuring student participation in various school events. The election process is mirror of general election to provide students with an understanding of democratic procedures, he added.

According to school council election result of Government Comprehensive Girls High School, Areej Fatima was elected as president with 674 votes, Saweera was elected as vice president with 591 votes and Tayyaba Abbas finance secretary with 606 votes.