Terrorist Killed, Two Civilian Children Martyred In Tank Terror Attack

Terrorist killed, two civilian children martyred in Tank terror attack

TANK, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd Nov, 2023) Two civilian children were martyred and a terrorist was killed in exchange of fire between the security forces and unknown terrorists on Azamabad road here Thursday.

According to police spokesman, the security forces and Tank police were heading towards Azamabad village to conduct a search operation on the basis of secret information when unknown terrorists, hiding along the road side, opened indiscriminate firing at the security forces. Resultantly, two civilian children including Muhammad Noman son of Ghafoor Shah and Asmat Ullah son of Mehmood Shah residents of Azamabad were martyred.

The police and security forces retaliated and given a forceful response in which a terrorist was killed. The police also recovered a Kalashnikov, nine magazines, two hand grenades, explosive material and a motorcycle from the dead terrorist.

The bodies were shifted to District Headquarters (DHQ) Hospital Tank for legal formalities.

The identity of the killed terrorist could not be ascertained yet.

The police have launched a search operation in the area for search of terrorists.
