Under Training ASsP Of 50th Common Visit CPO

Under training ASsP of 50th Common visit CPO

Inspector General Police Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar has said that the Punjab Police is fulfilling its duty to protect the lives and properties of the citizens, eradicating crimes as well as serving and protecting the vulnerable sections through community policing projects

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd May, 2024) Inspector General Police Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar has said that the Punjab Police is fulfilling its duty to protect the lives and properties of the citizens, eradicating crimes as well as serving and protecting the vulnerable sections through community policing projects.

He expressed these views while interacting with the young under training ASsP officers of the 50th Common who visited the Central Police Office (CPO) here on Wednesday.

He said that the problems faced by transgenders, women, children and disabled people are being solved by projects like Tahaffuz Center, Meesaq Center, Tahaffuz Manzil and Foster Home, Punjab Police is working on more such community policing projects. He inquired about the ongoing training sessions from the young ASsP.

Young officers gave thought-provoking presentations on various professional aspects of policing.

Additional IG Investigation Punjab Muhammad Idrees Ahmad also gave a lecture to the young officers in CPO Darsgah about the professional affairs of the Investigation Branch. He said that Investigation Branch Punjab is performing the duties of better performance of investigative affairs, effective monitoring and capacity building of investigative officers. He mentioned that along with traditional policing skills, principles of modern forensic science and technology have been incorporated into investigating matters of policing.

On this occasion, the trainee officers also asked various questions on different issues of policing and professional challenges.