Cricket: South Africa V Australia Scores

Cricket: South Africa v Australia scores

Brief scores at lunch on the fourth day of the fourth Test between South Africa and Australia at the Wanderers Stadium on Monday. South Africa 488 and 202-3 (D. Elgar 59 not out, F du Plessis 81 not out; P. Cummins 2-39) Australia 221 Match situation

Johannesburg, April 2 (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 2nd Apr, 2018 ) :Brief scores at lunch on the fourth day of the fourth Test between South Africa and Australia at the Wanderers Stadium on Monday.

South Africa 488 and 202-3 (D. Elgar 59 not out, F du Plessis 81 not out; P. Cummins 2-39) Australia 221 Match situation: South Africa lead by 469 runs with seven wickets remaining in the second innings Toss: South Africa