SBP And DC Office Lahore Organize Pink Games Freelancing Summit

SBP and DC Office Lahore organize Pink Games Freelancing Summit

Punjab Sports and Youth Affairs Department and Deputy Commissioner Office Lahore organized Pink Games Freelancing Summit here at Nishtar Park Sports Complex E-Library on Thursday

LAHORE, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 8th Jun, 2023 ) :Punjab sports and Youth Affairs Department and Deputy Commissioner Office Lahore organized Pink Games Freelancing Summit here at Nishtar Park Sports Complex E-Library on Thursday.

Adviser to Chief Minister Punjab on Sports and Youth Affairs Wahab Riaz was the chief guest on this occasion. Deputy Commissioner Lahore Rafia Haider, Director Youth Affairs Syed Umair Hassan, Assistant Director M Sajid and a large number of female students of dozens of colleges and universities were present on this occasion.

Director General Punjab food Authority Raja Jahangir, Deputy Commissioner Lahore Rafia Haider, Artificial Intelligent (AI) expert Irfan Malik and motivational speaker Umair Jalianwala also spoke in the seminar.

Addressing the seminar Wahab Riaz said that the Punjab government is taking several effective measures to empower women in every field of life. "The development of every society is possible only by empowering women and the development of nations lies in the uplift of women".

He said that the young girls are using modern technology quite effectively. "They can play their role in the development of the country.

Through the E-Rozgar program, the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports Punjab is giving training to empower women, from which thousands of young girls are now earning their respectable livelihood". He said the Pink Games are being held for the first time to bring women forward. For this great initiative, Deputy Commissioner Rafia Haider's efforts are commendable. "Girls should also get equal opportunities to move forward".

Rafia Haider said in her address that a good society is created by empowering women. "Pink Games are being organized by the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports in which thousands of female students from dozens of universities are participating". She said that the experts are guiding the students through freelancing seminars to polish their talent. "The talented females are being trained under the E-Rozgar program to polish their skills. Women are earning millions of rupees by learning the skills of freelancing," she added. She said that a seminar of successful women will also be organized on Saturday so that young students can benefit from their experiences.

Later, certificates were distributed among all the participants of the seminar.