Ancient Human Sacrifice Discovered In Korea


Ancient human sacrifice discovered in Korea

SEOUL, , (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th May, 2017 ) - Evidence of human sacrifice to try to ensure the success of ancient construction projects has been found for the first time at a Korean site, officials said Tuesday.

Two skeletons dating from the 5th century were found under the walls of the Wolseong, or Moon Castle, in Gyeongju in South Korea, the capital of the former Silla kingdom, Seoul's Cultural Heritage Administration said in a statement.

"This is the first archaeological evidence that folklore about humans being sacrificed for the foundations of buildings, dams or walls were true stories," spokeswoman Choi Moon-Jung of the Gyeongju National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage told AFP. The burial of living victims with dead kings to serve them in the afterlife is well known in ancient Korean cultures.