Portugal To Save Energy By Limiting Christmas Lighting, Encouraging Remote Work - Reports


Portugal to Save Energy by Limiting Christmas Lighting, Encouraging Remote Work - Reports

The Portuguese government has agreed on an energy-saving plan for the coming months, which includes restrictions on Christmas lighting, temperature control indoors and encouragement of remote work, the Europa Press news agency reported on Wednesday

MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 28th September, 2022) The Portuguese government has agreed on an energy-saving plan for the coming months, which includes restrictions on Christmas lighting, temperature control indoors and encouragement of remote work, the Europa Press news agency reported on Wednesday.

According to the government's plan, the interior decorative lighting of buildings should be turned off from 10 p.m. (21:00 GMT) in winter and 11 p.m. in summer, while street lighting should be switched off from midnight, the agency said. In the period from December 6 to January 6, there will also be a restriction for the use of Christmas lighting from 6 p.m. to midnight.

The agency noted that the indoor temperature in winter should be maintained at a maximum of 18 degrees Celsius, and in summer at a minimum of 25 degrees Celsius.

A strategy to reduce water consumption is also proposed, in particular, the measures will affect street cleaning, the agency said, adding that the government proposes to reduce shower time or minimize the use of water heaters.

The agency reported that the plan estimates the potential energy savings for the period 2022-2023 at 188 million cubic meters of gas. At the same time, the Portuguese government does not rule out that the measures that are now voluntary may become mandatory, the agency added.

Since 2021, energy prices in Europe have been growing as part of a global trend. After the beginning of Russia's operation in Ukraine and the adoption of several packages of sanctions against Moscow in the West, fuel prices have accelerated growth, pushing many European governments to resort to contingency measures.