Some New Caledonia Neighbourhoods No Longer Under State Control: Official


Some New Caledonia neighbourhoods no longer under state control: official

Noumea, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th May, 2024) Areas of the Pacific territory of New Caledonia have "escaped" state control, the French government's representative said Friday, announcing fresh security deployments after days of deadly violence.

"Reinforcements will be arriving ... to control the areas that have escaped us in recent days, where control is no longer assured," the High Commissioner of the Republic in New Caledonia Louis Le Franc told reporters at a briefing.

A state of emergency was imposed on the French archipelago after opposition to Paris's plan to change voting rules there spiralled into arson, looting and violence that has left five dead and hundreds wounded.

As part of the state of emergency, about 200 of an estimated 5,000 "rioters" have been detained, French authorities have said.

One person suspected of homicide surrendered to the authorities, Le Franc said at the Friday briefing.

Earlier, he said the situation around the capital Noumea was starting to look calmer after the simmering protests turned violent on Monday.

The unrest began as French lawmakers pushed forward plans to allow those who moved to the territory at least 10 years ago to vote in local elections.

Located between Australia and Fiji, New Caledonia is one of several territories around the globe that remain part of France.