Turkey May Consider Buying Eurofighter Typhoon If Deal On US-Supplied F-16 Fails - Reports

Turkey May Consider Buying Eurofighter Typhoon if Deal on US-Supplied F-16 Fails - Reports

Ankara may consider purchasing the fourth-generation Eurofighter Typhoon jet fighters if the deal on the acquisition of US-made F-16 falls through, Turkish newspaper Yeni Akit reported on Saturday

ANKARA (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 08th October, 2022) Ankara may consider purchasing the fourth-generation Eurofighter Typhoon jet fighters if the deal on the acquisition of US-made F-16 falls through, Turkish newspaper Yeni Akit reported on Saturday.

In 2019, the US removed Turkey from the program for the supply of advanced F-35 fighter jets after Ankara purchased Russia's S-400 air defense systems. Washington canceled the joint memorandum on the F-35 procurement with Turkey, signing it with the seven remaining partners in the program, namely the United Kingdom, Italy, the Netherlands, Australia, Denmark, Canada and Norway. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan subsequently said the US invited Ankara to buy other fighter jet, but of the fourth generation, the F-16. The matter is still to be agreed in the US Congress, however, the State Department is lobbying for it in a bid to convince congressmen that the deal is in Washington's interest.

According to the newspaper, Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar visited Royal Air Force Coningsby station on Thursday as part of his official trip to the UK to meet with his counterpart, Ben Wallace. At the airbase, the Turkish minister had the chance to examine the Eurofighter Typhoon combat aircraft. Yeni Akit says that this instance reinforced an earlier statement made by Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin, who said that the Eurofighter Typhoon may become an alternative to the F-16.

Ankara and Washington are still in talks over the F-16 supplies, the newspaper noted, adding that Akar's inspection could be a sign that Turkey has not run out of alternatives while the US protracts the deal and attempts to condition it.