Women Playing Pivotal Role In Shaping Digital Future: Shaza

Women playing pivotal role in shaping digital future:  Shaza

Minister of State for IT and Telecommunication Shaza Fatima Khawaja Thursday said that Information and Communications Technology (ICT) revolutionized and uplifted society and was a key component for economic development

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th May, 2024) Minister of State for IT and Telecommunication Shaza Fatima Khawaja Thursday said that Information and Communications Technology (ICT) revolutionized and uplifted society and was a key component for economic development.

While addressing the keynote session of the Champions of Change Women Leadership Program held at Telenor Pakistan's head office, she said that women's full and equal participation in this rapidly evolving digital landscape was not just desirable but imperative.

“Women make up half of our population, and their meaningful engagement in the digital economy was not only a matter of social justice but also the driver of economic growth and innovation” she added.

She said the Ministry of IT & Telecom was committed to implementing policies and initiatives that promote gender equality and women empowerment in the digital sector.

She emphasized the need for collective action and collaboration of all stakeholders, including government, private sector, civil society and academia, to create a truly inclusive digital ecosystem where every woman has an opportunity to thrive and succeed.