Adulterated Spices, Food Destroyed During Raid At Grinding Unit

Adulterated spices, food destroyed during raid at grinding unit

Food safety teams of Punjab Food Authority (PFA) Tuesday raided a spices grinding unit and destroyed 120 kilogram of adulterated spices and 80 kilogram of substandard food items near Muhammad Musa shrine in Muzaffargarh

MUZAFFARGARH, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 21st May, 2024) Food safety teams of Punjab Food Authority (PFA) Tuesday raided a spices grinding unit and destroyed 120 kilogram of adulterated spices and 80 kilogram of substandard food items near Muhammad Musa shrine in Muzaffargarh.

According to PFA spokesman, business owners were stopped from engaging in business any further till the time they bring improvement in their business practices.

DG PFA Muhammad Asim Javed said, the PFA team found workers mixing powder and peel of chickpea in the spices. He said, PFA was checking every business, big and small, on a daily basis and would not allow anyone to play with the health of the people.

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