ANF Recovers 133 Kg Drugs In Five Operations


ANF recovers 133 kg drugs in five operations

RAWALPINDI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th May, 2024) Anti-Narcotics Force (ANF) while conducting five operations across the country managed to recover 133 kg drugs and arrested four accused, said an ANF Headquarters spokesman here on Friday.

He informed that 65 kg hashish was recovered from Pisni Gwadar while 36 kg hashish and 2.

2 kg opium were recovered from Khushab and two accused were arrested.

18 kg hashish was recovered from an accused rounded up near GT Road, Attock.

In another raid, 12 kg hashish was recovered from a drug smuggler arrested near Sabi Road Quetta.

215 grams Ice was recovered from NADRA Chowk Torkham area.

Cases under the Anti-Narcotics Act have been registered against the arrested accused while further investigations are under process.