Bahawalnagar Leads Punjab In Wheat Cultivation: DC

Bahawalnagar leads Punjab in wheat cultivation: DC

Bahawalnagar, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 13th Dec, 2023) Deputy Commissioner Zulfiqar Ahmad Bhawan on Tuesday said that the district's agricultural prominence was brilliant during the year, while unfolding the details, he said that the district has secured the top position in Punjab and Pakistan for wheat cultivation, with an impressive one million fifty thousand acres dedicated to this vital crop this year.

According to the DC office, DC said that the district took proactive measures to address farmers' needs, with the support of Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi and the provincial government.

DC said that the district administration prevented the corrupt practices and ensured fair distribution of

Urea, a substantial twenty thousand three hundred bags of urea were procured for the formers.

The district administration has fined seven hundred thousand, filed fourteen FIRs, arrested thirteen people and sealed six warehouses against those who stockpiled fertilizers and sold them at exorbitant rates.

Zulfiqar Ahmad Bhawan emphasized that the unwavering commitment of the Punjab government and the Bahawalnagar District Administration to support local farmers will continue in future.