Balochistan To Construct Beach Parks At A Cost Of Rs 200 Mln


Balochistan to construct Beach Parks at a cost of Rs 200 mln

ISLAMABAD, Jan 5 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 5th Jan, 2021 ) :Balochistan government was working to set up four Beach Parks at the coastal belt in a bid to unlock the potential of tourism sector of the province.

The four beach parks would be established at Kund Malir, Ormara, Gwadar and Jiwani to develop its coastal area and attract more tourists.

The Blaochistan government would expend Rs 200 million on the establishment of Beach Parks at the coastal belt, an official of Balochistan Coastal Development Autrhority said while talking to APP on Tuesday.

For promotion of coastal tourism, he said the government was constructing hotels, restaurants and ensuring the provision of other facilities in the shores of Balochistan.

The Balochistan government on was taking serious efforts to develop the vast potential of tourism industry as the province possessed plethora of tourist attractions along with 750 kilometer long coastal belt.

Balochistan government was planning to build tourist resorts in its coastal areas to cater the need of local and foreign tourists visiting the area to witness its beautiful coastal lines.

The provincial government was taking concrete measures to promote domestic tourism that could contribute huge revenue in the national exchequer.

He said the provincial government would enhance road connectivity, besides establishing high standard restaurants, hotels, motels and carrying out other development projects across the province.

The provincial government would be established display places and advisory councils to informed and guide the tourists regarding the beauty of Balochistan.

The government had also organized cultural events at Gwadar besides providing the financial assistance to the artists for their economic well-being in the province, he added.

"The province has several coastal areas like Gwadar, Jiwani, Pasni and besides this, Balochistan has numerous historical, religious, environmental and astonishingly beautiful sites which can be developed into mega tourist sites, he added.