Cafe Sealed For Violating Sheesha Ban In Islamabad

Cafe sealed for violating sheesha ban in Islamabad

Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) Administration on Tuesday launched a crackdown against the Sheesha cafes and sealed a cafe in the F Sector after registering FIR against the owner

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 3rd Jan, 2023 ) :Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) Administration on Tuesday launched a crackdown against the Sheesha cafes and sealed a cafe in the F Sector after registering FIR against the owner.

Assistant Commissioner City took action against such centers following the directions of Deputy Commissioner Islamabad Irfan Nawaz Memon for the implementation of Islamabad High Court orders.

The DC Islamabad urged the restaurant owners to stop serving sheesha and warned of strict actions against the violators.

He informed the media that the Ministry of National Health Services and Regulation was working to formulate rules for the regulation of the business and until it chalked out a strategy, serving of sheesha was banned in public places.