Chairman District Council Urges SEPCO To Reduce Power Load-shedding


Chairman District Council urges SEPCO to reduce power load-shedding

Chairman of District Council Larkana, Ijaz Ahmad Leghari Friday wrote a letter to the SEPCO Chief Sukkur to reduce the unannounced and long power load-shedding during the severe heat wave in Larkana district

LARKANA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 24th May, 2024) Chairman of District Council Larkana, Ijaz Ahmad Leghari Friday wrote a letter to the SEPCO Chief Sukkur to reduce the unannounced and long power load-shedding during the severe heat wave in Larkana district.

In the letter Leghari informed that hundreds of complaints have been received from the citizens regarding unannounced and long power load-shedding in all talukas of the district.

"You are well aware that severe heat wave has been predicted by the Pakistan Meteorological Department from May 21 to May 30, but despite this, SEPCO has extended the load-shedding time during the heat wave in Larkana district", he said.

Leghari urged SEPCO to reduce power load-shedding as the people suffering from higher temperature of more than 50 degree.