CM Orders To Establish Committee For Functioning Of BTEVTA

CM orders to establish committee for functioning of BTEVTA

Balochistan Caretaker Chief Minister Mir Ali Mardan Khan Domki on Wednesday ordered that establish a special committee and take emergency measures for the functioning of the Balochistan Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority (BTEVTA)

QUETTA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 20th Dec, 2023) Balochistan Caretaker Chief Minister Mir Ali Mardan Khan Domki on Wednesday ordered that establish a special committee and take emergency measures for the functioning of the Balochistan Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority (BTEVTA).

He chaired the eighth meeting of the Board of BTEVTA was held here. Caretaker provincial ministers Amjad Rasheed, Dr. Qadir Bakhsh Baloch, Additional Chief Secretary Development and Planning Abdul Saboor Kakar, Officials of the Finance Department, NAVTTC and other related institutions and departments participated.

Ali Mardan Khan while addressing the meeting said that in the modern era, instead of traditional education, attention is being paid to technical education and training all over the world.

He said that the youth is being guided in the right direction by providing skill training in various fields including IT.

Therefore, it is important that we also encourage technical education institutions and activate them to create a skilled workforce, he said.

The Chief Minister said that the committee established for the functioning of the authority should ensure its implementation by suggesting measures and there is no room for further delay for the functioning of BTEVTA.

He stressed that to ensure transparent use of the income generated on the fund allocated for the authority.

He directed that a comprehensive work plan for the functioning of the authority should be presented in the upcoming board meeting of BTEVTA.

He added that this important institution of technical education can be activated as soon as possible and made effective and the process of providing technical training and education to the youth in various fields can be expanded.