CS Directs To Complete Ongoing Projects Of QDP Soon


CS directs to complete ongoing projects of QDP soon

Balochistan Chief Secretary (CS) Shakeel Qadir Khan on Monday directed to complete the ongoing road construction projects with standards under the Quetta Development Package (QDP) soon

QUETTA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 18th Sep, 2023 ) :Balochistan Chief Secretary (CS) Shakeel Qadir Khan on Monday directed to complete the ongoing road construction projects with standards under the Quetta Development Package (QDP) soon.

He expressed these views while presiding over the progress review meeting of Quetta Development Package to review of progress on development projects.

The meeting was briefed regarding the ongoing projects under Quetta Development Package by the concerned official.

Chief Secretary instructed to complete the constant road construction projects under the QDP soon in which the projects of Spini Road, Sabzal Road, Inscombe Road, Sariab Road, Radio Pakistan Road, Link Badeni Road should be completed soon.

He directed that measures would be taken to remove all obstacles in development projects as soon as possible adding that progress on all projects should be expedited and completed early in order to provide facilities to people in the area.

Quetta Development Package will be an important milestone for the development of the city, he said and added that the existing projects are very important for the convenience of the citizens.

He said that if the development projects are completed on time, there will be progress and the people will be prosperous adding that timely completion of the projects will make Quetta a modern and beautiful city.

He said that the construction of roads would reduce and improve traffic pressure in Quetta city.

The meeting was attended by SMBR Abdul Saboor Kakar, Secretary Communication Ali Akbar Baloch, Planning Secretary Planning and Development Department Asghar Harifal, Commissioner Quetta Division Hamza Shafakat, Project Director Quetta Development Package Muhammad Rafiq Baloch.