DC Kaleemullah Reviews Works Of Duki To Chamalang Road


DC Kaleemullah reviews works of Duki to Chamalang road

Deputy Commissioner (DC) Duki Kaleemullah Kakar on Friday reviewed works of Duki to Chamalang road and directed to complete the project soon with standard for facilitating people in the area

QUETTA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th May, 2024) Deputy Commissioner (DC) Duki Kaleemullah Kakar on Friday reviewed works of Duki to Chamalang road and directed to complete the project soon with standard for facilitating people in the area.

The Deputy Commissioner was briefed about progress works of the road. The DC Kaleemullah Kakar said that Duki to Chamalang road was the biggest project of the district and this road was very important because of Chamalang coal.

Roads are also the basic need of the people and the construction of roads will bring development and prosperity because the agricultural products of the area also reach the markets in time with the construction of roads and travel facilities will be available to the public, he said.

He said that the speed of work on the under-construction road should be completed in a fast and standard manner within the stipulated time so that the public could benefit from it.

Substandard work and delaying will not be tolerated, he warned adding that non-standard materials would not be allowed to be used in the development works and action to be taken against the contractor and the officers of the relevant department for sub-standard constructions.