District Overseas Committee Meeting Held

District overseas committee meeting held

A meeting of the district overseas committee was held at the office of Deputy Commissioner with Additional Deputy Commissioner (Revenue) Numan Afzal Awan in the chair

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th May, 2024) A meeting of the district overseas committee was held at the office of Deputy Commissioner with Additional Deputy Commissioner (Revenue) Numan Afzal Awan in the chair.

Assistant Commissioners, FDA, Health, Housing, Sub-Registrar, Colony Assistant and officers of other departments were also present.

The ADC-Revenue, while listening to oversees’ issues, directed the officers of the departments concerned to speed up the ongoing measures in providing relief to overseas Pakistanis.

He said the Punjab government had issued clear instructions to resolve issues of overseas Pakistanis at a fast pace.

He directed assistant commissioners to submit their reports according to revenue records to redress the property related complaints of overseas Pakistanis. He also assured the overseas Pakistanis and their representatives that sincere efforts were being made to resolve their issues.

At least 14 cases related to police, revenue, FDA and other departments were discussed during the meeting.