Extension Of Ban In KP On Use, Sale Of E-cigarettes Near Educational Institutions

Extension of ban in KP on use, sale of e-cigarettes near educational institutions

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 5th Mar, 2024) A review and consultative meeting on the draft action plan for implementation of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Tobacco Control Roadmap 2021, has suggested extension of Section 144, on the use of e-cigarettes by youngsters and sale of these products near educational institutions in the province.

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa last interim government though a land mark decision taken on January 16, 2024 had enforced section 144, for 60 days on use of e-cigarettes by youngsters and its sale within the vicinity of educational institutions.

The ban on new tobacco products in KP came into effect due to active role played by Governor Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, who after meeting with representatives of civil society under the leadership of Qamar Naseem of Blue Veins issued instruction for necessary action in the larger interest of public.

The consultative meeting was held at the conference room of Health Department with Deputy Director Public Health, Dr. Majid in the chair.

Sana Ahmad of Blue Veins gave a detailed presentation on progress being made on tobacco control in KP and challenges still faced in this regard. Sana Ahmad apprised the participants that interim ban on e-cigarettes will complete on March 16, 2024 and there is a need for continuation of the restriction through extension of ban order by taking required legal action.

She said that KP government has already prepared "Roadmap for Tobacco Control" but it does not cover newer tobacco products like e-cigarettes, nicotine pouches, sheesha and heated tobacco.

She said, a consensus is needed to be developed in all the government departments and stakeholders for drafting of a law to enforce ban on all forms of tobacco products in the province.

She said that a comprehensive "Action Plan" has been submitted by Blue Veins with Public Health Department covering legislation as well as taxation issues on tobacco products especially the newer ones.

During discussion in the consultative meeting different suggestion were also presented by participants for spreading awareness about adverse affects of newer tobacco products on public health. It was suggested to club all the new tobacco products including e-cigarettes, nicotine pouches and sheesha in the new draft law for effective restriction in its use especially by underage youngsters.

It was also suggested to use transport sector for spreading public awareness by use of inscriptions and display of printed material about affects of tobacco use on public health and relevant laws.