Farmers Advised To Start Cultivation Of Melon, Water Melon In Tunnels

Farmers advised to start cultivation of melon, water melon in tunnels

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 21st Nov, 2023) Agriculture experts advised farmers to start off-season cultivation of melons,

water melons and vegetables of the summer in tunnels.

A spokesman for the agricultural (extension) department told APP on Tuesday that

progressive farmers were adopting tunnel technology and earning much money by

cultivating off-season vegetables in low, walk-in and high tunnels.

He said it was impossible for farmers to grow summer vegetables manually during the winter.

However, summer vegetables like cucumber, tomato, sweet chilies, green chilies, pumpkin,

sponge gourd, bitter gourd, vegetable marrow, red gourd, Brinjal, water melon, musk melon, etc

could be grown easily and successfully in tunnels during winter, he added.

He said tunnel-grown vegetables were covered by green fiber sheets to protect crops from

severe cold and frost. With the intensive care, farmers could get early production of the summer

vegetables and earn more income than seasonal vegetables, he added.