German Envoy Meets Chief Minister Punjab


German envoy meets Chief Minister Punjab

German Ambassador Alfred Grannas called on Punjab Chief Minister Chaudhry Parvez Elahi at the Chief Minister's Office on Tuesday and discussed issues of mutual interest, bilateral relations and increasing cooperation in various fields

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 20th Sep, 2022 ) :German Ambassador Alfred Grannas called on Punjab Chief Minister Chaudhry Parvez Elahi at the Chief Minister's Office on Tuesday and discussed issues of mutual interest, bilateral relations and increasing cooperation in various fields.

First Secretary of the German Embassy Dorota Magdalena Berezicki, Chief Secretary Abdullah Sumbal, former Principal Secretary to CM GM Sikandar and others were also present.

It was agreed to increase cooperation in the fields of education, health and water storage. Germany expressed its willingness to provide technical assistance to the Punjab government regarding water storage.

The CM informed about the flood disaster and the rehabilitation activities and added that Pakistan had been severely affected by climate change. It was not possible to describe the destruction caused by floods in different parts of Pakistan including southern Punjab districts, he said and added this was a challenge that all nations should immediately address by adopting a common plan of action.

The CM noted that a special package had been formulated to rehabilitate the affectees and asserted that the international community needed to fully support Pakistan in this hour of trial.

"Dams are necessary for Pakistan to prevent precious water from getting lost in the sea," he added and noted that a proper network of dams would have saved Pakistan from such devastations besides storing rainwater for future needs.

He said, "Germany is our best partner and Pakistan would like to benefit from its expertise in vocational and technical education, health and water storage." Punjab would take the lead in promoting cooperation with Germany in various fields and technical support for water storage from Germany would be welcomed, CM further said.

Alfred Grannas expressed regret over the loss of lives and property due to rains and floods and expressed the desire to promote cooperation with the Punjab government in various fields. "We are desirous of accelerated steps to expand the bilateral cooperation," he added.