Man Held For Harassing Working Woman


Man held for harassing working woman

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th May, 2024) A man was held for harassing a working woman, here on Friday.

Police said a man attempted to stop a woman's car near Ravi Road by stopping his motorcycle along it and knocking on the vehicle door.

The woman reported the case using 'Chat feature' of the Women Safety App. The Virtual Women Police Station immediately dispatched the police force to the scene. The accused were identified with the help of Safe City cameras and details of location provided by the victim. The Virtual Women Police Station filed an FIR and provided all evidence to the police.

The woman expressed her gratitude for assistance of the Virtual Women Police Station.

A spokesperson for the Safe Cities stated that the Virtual Women Police Station was operational 24/7 to address all issues faced by women, including harassment, domestic violence, forced marriage, and acid attacks.

In any emergency, women can call 15 and press 2 to contact the Virtual Women Police Station. Women can also contact the Virtual Women Police Station through the live chat and video call features of the Women Safety App.