Miseries Of Kashmiri Families Go Unchecked In IIOJK: Report

Miseries of Kashmiri families go unchecked in IIOJK: report

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th May, 2023 ) :The Kashmiri families in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) continue to face miseries and victimization at the hands of the Indian army and police for demanding their right to self-determination.

A report released by the Research Section of Kashmir Media Service has said that the most militarized zone in the world has witnessed killings, enforced disappearances, torture, rapes and other brutalities by the Indian forces over the three decades.

More than 8,000 vanished only in custody after they were arrested by the Indian army, police and paramilitary forces during cordon and search operations and house raids since 1990.

The report revealed that thousands of families of victims of enforced disappearances had been working tirelessly to trace their missing ones.

Also the families of those the disappeared people suffer economically because, in most cases, the breadwinner of the family was targeted.

Kashmiris of every age and gender were being mercilessly killed, tortured and humiliated for demanding freedom, it added.

The report deplored that India was subjecting Kashmiri people to collective punishment for demanding the UN-mandated plebiscite It said that thousands of Kashmiris, including over two dozen women leaders, Aasiya Andrabi, Naheeda Nasreen, Fehmeeda Sofi and Insha Tariq Shah were facing illegal detention inside Kashmir jails and in the infamous Tihar Jail in India.

"They are being victimized under black laws like Armed Forces Special Powers Act, Disturbed Areas Ac, Public Safety Act and Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act only for representing the Kashmiri people's righteous demand and aspirations," the report added.

Meanwhile, Hurriyat leaders and human rights activists also appealed to the world community to support the victims' families in IIOJK.