Mother's Day Observed To Pay Tribute To Mothers

Mother's Day observed to pay tribute to mothers

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 12th May, 2024) Mother’s Day was observed and celebrated globally Sunday, including in Pakistan, to honor our mothers.

This annual event, observed on the second Sunday of May, holds a special place in our hearts as it recognizes the immeasurable impact of mothers in our lives.

It's a special day dedicated to recognizing the often overlooked contributions of mothers.

It's a time to acknowledge the immense and selfless role each mother plays in her children's lives and successes, and to express gratitude for it.

The first Mother's Day was celebrated in 1908 in the US, and since then, this day has been observed in more than 50 countries around the world.

As Mother’s Day arrives, families and communities come together to thank the women who have shaped their lives.

With cards, gifts, and acts of kindness, we honor the amazing contributions of mothers everywhere.

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