NA Passes Motion To Suspend Cheema's House Services

NA passes motion to suspend Cheema's House services

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th May, 2024) The National Assembly on Friday passed a motion to suspend Member National Assembly (MNA) Tariq Bashir Cheema from House services until the conclusion of the 5th session.

It is to be mentioned that the 5th session of the National Assembly also concluded on Friday and the Speaker National Assembly Ayaz Sadiq said that an unpleasant incident occurred yesterday which caused distress among many members.

Ayaz Sadiq appreciated members from all political parties met afterward and resolved the issue amicably.

The Speaker also thanked them for their positive role in addressing the matter.

He said that all members had unanimously agreed in writing to suspend Tariq Cheema's services for the remainder of the session.

The Speaker then sought and received the House's approval for this suspension.

Ayaz Sadiq also urged all members to practice tolerance towards one another in the House.
