Plan Prepare To Outsource Quetta Solid Waste Management


plan prepare to outsource Quetta solid waste management

The Balochistan government has prepared a plan to operate the solid waste management in provincial capital on public private partnership basis to improve the sewage system

QUETTA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th May, 2024) The Balochistan government has prepared a plan to operate the solid waste management in provincial capital on public private partnership basis to improve the sewage system.

According to the plan, the solid waste management system in the city would be outsourced from August to collect door-to-door garbage to make Quetta the cleanest city.

Chief Minister Mir Sarfraz Bugti in a review meeting regarding Quetta's solid waste management held here on Friday has instructed that the tendering process for removing of garbage from the city under public-private partnership should be conducted transparent.

He further added that transparency and merit should be ensured in the entire process of outsourcing of waste management system of Quetta.

Sarfraz Bugti said the corporation has collected over 150,000 tons of trash from the city during the ongoing cleanness drive.

The government had taking efforts to increase the waste collecting capacity of QMC by 500 tons to 1600 tons daily by out sourcing the Quetta solid waste management, he added.

The chief minister ordered that salaries and pension of the employees of Quetta Metropolitan Corporation should be issued to resolve their problem.

He said that the team of finance department would conduct the audit of the expenses of Quetta Metropolitan Corporation in the last two months.

CM said, “The performance of Quetta Metropolitan Corporation in the last two months was remarkable, however, the audit will be done”.

Sarfraz Bugti said the anti-corruption establishment will investigate the embezzlement of Rs 700 million in term of fuel expenditure in the previous periods of QMC.

He emphasized that the ongoing cleaning campaign on of Eid-ul-Azha should be accelerated instead of a public holiday.

He directed the Administrator QMC to cancel the leaves of Metropolitan Corporation officers and employees on Eid-ul-Azha and they should performed duty to facilitate the residents.

The chief minister of Balochistan directed the officials of the Metropolitan Corporation to start the cleaning campaign in the Airport Road and Cantonment board area by tomorrow.

Administrator Quetta Metropolitan Corporation Hamza Shafqaat said the cleanliness drives are being carried out in every area of the city on a regular basis and the QMC was ensuring the collection and disposal of garbage in every area of the

provincial capital city including Sariyab to Nawan Killi.

He added that in order to speed up the ongoing cleaning campaign in the city, work is going on in day and night shifts.