PM Says Monitoring Bishkek Situation; Directs Envoy To Help Pakistani Students

PM says monitoring Bishkek situation; directs envoy to help Pakistani students

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 18th May, 2024) Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Saturday expressing concerns over the situation of violence in Bishkek, directed Pakistan's ambassador there to provide all necessary help to the Pakistani students there.

"Deeply concerned over the situation of Pakistani students in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. I have directed Pakistan's Ambassador to provide all necessary help and assistance," the prime minister wrote on his X timeline.

According to Pakistan's Embassy in Bishkek, foreign students living in Bishkek including those from Pakistan, were subjected to violence by locals in the aftermath of their brawl with Egyptian nationals a few days ago.

As per reports, some hostels of medical universities in Bishkek and private residences of international students including Pakistanis have been attacked. However, the embassy said that so far, they had received no confirmed reports of death or rape of any Pakistani student there.

"My office is also in touch with the Embassy and constantly monitoring the situation," the prime minister added.

The embassy has already shared the helpline numbers +996555554476 and +996507567667, and had responded to a hundreds of calls from the students and their families.