Prices Of Edible Items To Be Monitored: DC


Prices of edible items to be monitored: DC

Deputy Commissioner (DC) Sukkur, Dr Raja MB Dharejo on Wednesday said no one would be allowed to earn illicit profits in the wholesale markets, bazaars and prices of edible items would be closely monitored

SUKKUR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd May, 2024) Deputy Commissioner (DC) Sukkur, Dr Raja MB Dharejo on Wednesday said no one would be allowed to earn illicit profits in the wholesale markets, bazaars and prices of edible items would be closely monitored.

He stated this while presiding over a meeting in his office held to review prices of food items.

The meeting was attended by additional deputy commissioner, assistant commissioners, officials of the food & agriculture department and other relevant departments.

The deputy commissioner said prices of food items in Sukkur as well as the performance of administrative officials and price magistrates would be reviewed every week.

He said public complaints about prices should be addressed immediately and people made aware of the existing system of registering complaints.

Dr Raja MB Dharejo said implementation of government rates should be ensured and heavy fines imposed on violators, adding that magistrates should increase their field visits and personally review prices.