Prime Minister Expresses Deep Grief Over Loss Of Lives In China Plane Crash


Prime Minister expresses deep grief over loss of lives in China plane crash

Prime Minister Imran Khan Monday expressed his deep grief over loss of lives in a passenger plane crash in China and expressed sympathies with the bereaved families

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 21st Mar, 2022 ) :Prime Minister Imran Khan Monday expressed his deep grief over loss of lives in a passenger plane crash in China and expressed sympathies with the bereaved families.

On his twitter handle, the prime minister posted, "Deeply saddened by the tragic loss of lives in the passenger plane crash in China.

We share the grief of our Chinese brothers and sisters and convey our deepest condolences and sympathies with the bereaved families."According to CGTN, a Boeing 737 passenger jetliner with 132 people on board crashed into a mountainous area in southern China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region on Monday.

The crashed plane, belonging to China Eastern Airlines, was flying from the southwestern city of Kunming to south China's Guangzhou City when it lost contact over the city of Wuzhou.