Technology Can Help Increase Sugarcane Production To 40-50 Tonnes Per Acre


Technology can help increase sugarcane production to 40-50 tonnes per acre

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 13th Feb, 2023 ) :The agriculture experts have advised the growers to use latest technologies for cultivation of sugarcane crops as it could help them obtain 40 tonnes to 50 tonnes per acre yield.

A spokesman for Agriculture (Extension) Department told APP on Monday that February and March was the best time for Baharia cultivation of sugarcane crop. Therefore, the growers should immediately start cultivation of sugarcane and complete it up to mid-March as late sowing could hamper quality as well as quantity of the production.

He said that farmers should cultivate sugarcane crops over maximum space of their lands as it was the fourth major crop in Pakistan after wheat, cotton and rice whereas it would also play a dynamic role in mitigating financial suffering of the growers due to its attractive market value.

"The sugarcane crops would also play a major role in catering to domestic food requirements. Hence the farmers should use approved varieties for cultivation," he said and advised that the latest techniques could also play an effective role in enhancing per acre sugarcane yield.

Among approved varieties of sugarcane included CP-77-400, CP-72-2086, CP-43-33, CPF-243, HSF-240, SPSG-26, SPF-213, SPF-245 and COJ-84. More information in this regard could be obtained from agriculture helpline or from field staff of agriculture department, he added.