Divided Slovakia At 'turning Point' After PM Shooting


Divided Slovakia at 'turning point' after PM shooting

Politically-divided Slovakia has reached a turning point after a lone gunman shot divisive Prime Minister Robert Fico, with many politicians advocating a switch from strident rhetoric to more civil discourse

Prague, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th May, 2024) Politically-divided Slovakia has reached a turning point after a lone gunman shot divisive Prime Minister Robert Fico, with many politicians advocating a switch from strident rhetoric to more civil discourse.

Fico, who was still in hospital in serious condition on Thursday after the previous day's shooting, has managed four stints as prime minister since 2006, most recently after his Smer party won September's elections.

His anti-migrant rhetoric and Russia-friendly remarks have split public opinion in the EU and NATO member nation of 5.4 million people.

But the assassination attempt led politicians, media and the police to call for tensions to subside.

"It is an absolute turning point, it's a moment that will shake society," Milan Nic, a senior researcher at the German Council on Foreign Relations, told AFP.

"It's also a big challenge, mainly for Robert Fico's camp, which has driven the polarisation and hatred in politics," added the Slovak analyst.

Fico appeals to nationalist-leaning, senior voters, while his political rivals are largely progressive, pro-Western and younger.

As he underwent a five-hour surgery for multiple gunshot wounds, politicians from both sides urged a truce.

"The hateful rhetoric we are witnessing in society leads to hateful acts. Please, let's stop this," said pro-Western outgoing President Zuzana Caputova.