EU Backs Sanctions Aimed At Russian 'propaganda' Outlets

EU backs sanctions aimed at Russian 'propaganda' outlets

Brussels, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th May, 2024) EU states Wednesday backed sanctions on four media outlets accused of pushing Russian propaganda, a top official said, in spite of a Kremlin threat of retaliation against Western journalists.

The new measures target the online outlet Voice of Europe -- at the heart of a probe into alleged interference in the European Parliament -- as well as three media close to the Kremlin.

"Four Kremlin-linked propaganda networks added to the sanctions list: Voice of Europe, RIA Novosti, Izvestija and Rossiyskaya Gazeta," European Commission Vice President Vera Jourova posted on the X platform, formerly Twitter, following a meeting of ambassadors.

The measures would also include a "ban on Russian funding of EU media, NGOs and political parties," she wrote.

Their approval by ambassadors came hours after Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova warned Western journalists may be targeted in response to sanctions.

"I want to remind all those Brussels hotheads that there are dozens of journalists from EU countries who live very nicely and comfortably in Russia," she posted on her Telegram account.

"If such measures are adopted against Russian journalists and media by the EU or by individual countries, then Western journalists will feel our response.

We will respond immediately and very painfully against the Westerners," Zakharova wrote.

The EU has already imposed broadcast bans on over a dozen Russian media outlets over the war in Ukraine.

Diplomats told AFP the four latest outlets should be formally added to the blacklist soon, and that the new sanctions would involve bans.

The EU is working on a new package of sanctions against Russia over the invasion, that for the first time include targeting its lucrative liquefied natural gas sector.

The move to target media outlets comes after Czech intelligence in March busted an alleged Moscow-financed network that was using the Prague-based outlet Voice of Europe to spread Russian propaganda.

Belgian authorities have also opened a probe into accusations the outlet was used to pay European lawmakers to spread Moscow's talking points.

The unmasking of the purported Russian network -- allegedly bankrolled by pro-Kremlin businessman Viktor Medvedchuk -- came as Moscow is accused of stepping up interference operations ahead of EU elections in June.