Moldova's Gagauzia Sets Runoff Vote For Governor For May 14

Moldova's Gagauzia Sets Runoff Vote for Governor for May 14

Moldova's autonomous Gagauzia region will vote in the second round of polls to elect the next governor on May 14, the head of the regional electoral body said Tuesday

CHISINAU (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 02nd May, 2023) Moldova's autonomous Gagauzia region will vote in the second round of polls to elect the next governor on May 14, the head of the regional electoral body said Tuesday.

The first round on Sunday saw two front runners tied at around 26% each. They are opposition Shor Party candidate Yevgenia Gutsul and Socialist Party's Grigory Uzun. The turnout was 57.8%, according to preliminary results.

"The Central Election Commission ... has decreed to hold the second round on May 14," Elena Gumuslu, the commission's secretary, told Sputnik.

She said the final returns of the first round of voting will be available on the commission's website at midnight.

Gagauzia declared independence from the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1990 but was reabsorbed by Moldova four years later. The Gagauz people are Orthodox Christians of Turkic origin.