Russian Military Digitize Documents Dated To WWII In Tajikistan's South - Press Service

Russian Military Digitize Documents Dated to WWII in Tajikistan's South - Press Service

DUSHANBE (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 22nd April, 2020) The servicemen of the Russian 201st military base in Dushanbe helped residents of remote areas in southern Tajikistan to digitize documents dated back to World War II for the publications in the "Memory Road" multimedia gallery ran by the Central Museum of the Russian Armed Forces, the military's press service told Sputnik on Tuesday.

"The military personnel visited areas located in the south of Tajikistan, covering a total distance of about 1,000 kilometers [621 miles]. Assistance in processing materials and expanding the list of uploaded documents was provided to residents of settlements in southern Tajikistan: Bokhtar, Dusti, Balkhi, Kulob, Qumsangir and the border village of Panj," the statement read.

The military has digitized over 300 documents of WWII veterans and home front workers.

This year marks 75 years since the end of the Second World War.

Since 1989, the 201st motorized rifle division of the Soviet Union and then the Russian armed forces have been deployed in Tajikistan. It was transformed into Russia's 201st military base in 2004. This is Russia's largest foreign military facility. The base is deployed in the cities of Dushanbe and Bokhtar with some 7,000 military personnel.