Tajik Foreign Ministry Asks Russia To Provide COVID-19 Vaccine

Tajik Foreign Ministry Asks Russia to Provide COVID-19 Vaccine

Tajikistan's Ministry of Health and Social Protection has sent requests to the Russian health authorities to provide a vaccine against COVID-19, Tajik Health Minister Jamoliddin Abdullozoda told Sputnik

DUSHANBE (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 14th August, 2020) Tajikistan's Ministry of Health and Social Protection has sent requests to the Russian health authorities to provide a vaccine against COVID-19, Tajik Health Minister Jamoliddin Abdullozoda told Sputnik.

Russia announced it had registered the world's first vaccine against the coronavirus on Tuesday.

"We have sent a letter to the Russian Health Ministry with a request to provide the vaccine against COVID-19," Abdullozoda said.

According to the minister, Tajikistan was closely following the vaccine trials in Russia and awaited results.

Doctors, teachers, patients with diabetes and asthma will be the first to receive the Russian vaccine.

"We are very grateful to the Russian government and Rospotrebnadzor [Russian public health watchdog] for a prompt provision of test kits to detect COVID-19, after which on April 30, we were able to detect the coronavirus in the country," the minister added.

The authorities of Tajikistan have so far confirmed nearly 8,000 cases of COVID-19 and 63 deaths.