US To Give Ukraine More HIMARS Ammo, Austin Set To Make Announcement Thursday - Pentagon

US to Give Ukraine More HIMARS Ammo, Austin Set to Make Announcement Thursday - Pentagon

�WASHINGTON (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 08th September, 2022) The United States will certainly provide more Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) ammo to be used with High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) already sent to Ukraine, US Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl said on Wednesday.

"There will certainly be more GMLR munitions as part of the - which is really what the Ukrainians need," Kahl said during an interview when asked about potential new packages to be announced. "I think the Secretary (of Defense Llyod Austin) will announce some things tomorrow at Rammstein."

Austin is set to attend a meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group in Germany on Thursday to discuss the conflict alongside partners and allies.