West Convenes Staged Forums To Involve Countries In Discussion Of Kiev's Plan - Lavrov

West Convenes Staged Forums to Involve Countries in Discussion of Kiev's Plan - Lavrov

MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 04th August, 2023) The United States, the United Kingdom and their allies are convening staged forums to involve as many countries as possible in a discussion of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's peace formula, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.

Last week, media reported that Saudi Arabia intends to hold peace talks on Ukraine in Jeddah in August. It has invited representatives from some 30 countries, but not Russia.

"Anglo-Saxons and their allies defended the Nazis in Kiev ... Instead of a serious conversation ... they are convening staged forums with the sole purpose of luring as many countries as possible into at least some resemblance of a discussion of 'Zelenskyy's formula,' demanding nothing less than that Russia completely capitulates, agrees to undermine its security and leave millions of Russians to the mercy of fate .

.. Everyone who is siding with the West in order to push through 'Zelenskyy's formula' must be aware that the fate of these people, whom the Kiev regime openly promises to destroy, is on the stake," Lavrov told Russia's International Affairs journal.

The minister added that the West should ask Zelenskyy to "publicly show another formula" about how Kiev sees the situation of Russians and other ethnic minorities in their country.

At the same time, Lavrov said that Russia values any efforts aimed at "achieving a just and sustainable piece."