Advisor To PM Seeks Stakeholder Consensus On Social Media Regulation To Curb Misuse

Advisor to PM seeks stakeholder consensus on social media regulation to curb misuse

Advisor to the Prime Minister for Inter-Provincial Coordination (IPC) and Political and Public Affairs, Rana Sanaullah said on Thursday laws to regulate social media and mitigate its negative effects on the general public was much needed

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd May, 2024) Advisor to the Prime Minister for Inter-Provincial Coordination (IPC) and Political and Public Affairs, Rana Sanaullah said on Thursday laws to regulate social media and mitigate its negative effects on the general public was much needed.

Speaking to a private news channel, he highlighted the necessity, justification, and effectiveness of such legislation, provided if it was not misused.

He said that journalist organizations and other stakeholders have also acknowledged the need for a regulatory framework. However, he noted that the barriers to prevent misuse of the law must be carefully considered in drafting the law.

Advisor said that journalist organizations did not oppose the defamation law but felt that the consultation process with them was incomplete.

He suggested that this consultation could still be carried out to ensure comprehensive input from all relevant parties.

Answering a question, he said that he regularly called for political dialogue over the past two months. However, he said that there needs to be a positive response from the opposition for meaningful progress.

Rana Sanaullah said, "As a political worker, I believe we should meet for negotiations without conditions to find solutions to all problems." He expressed his readiness to facilitate such meetings, viewing it as an honor.

He urged political leaders, stakeholders, social leaders and journalists to play their roles in fostering an environment for political dialogue.