Agahe Foundation Delegation Calls On Agriculture Minister

Agahe foundation delegation calls on agriculture minister

Head of Commercialisation and Scaling (Harvest Plus Washington) Jenny Walton and Agahe Foundation delegation met with Punjab Agriculture Minister Syed Hussain Jahania Gardizi at Civil Secretariat on Tuesday

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 25th Oct, 2022 ) :Head of Commercialisation and Scaling (Harvest Plus Washington) Jenny Walton and Agahe Foundation delegation met with Punjab Agriculture Minister Syed Hussain Jahania Gardizi at Civil Secretariat on Tuesday.

The delegation included CEO Agahe Foundation Mubarak Ali Sarwar, Value Chain Specialist (Harvest Plus) Dr Muhammad Imtiaz, Country Manager Pakistan (Harvest Plus) Dr Muhammad Yaqub and Dr Makhdoom Hussain of Harvest Plus. In the meeting, discussions were held on eliminating zinc deficiency in women, children and youth through balanced food supply, in addition to bio-fortification of wheat, participants agreed to continue efforts to promote bio-fortification in rice and maize in addition to wheat.

The minister said that social awareness was being raised in rural areas for food fortification and daily consumption of balanced food.

Pakistani scientists and researchers were working on introducing fortified varieties of wheat and hybrid seed supply was being ensured to farmers, he maintained. He said that steps were being taken at the government level to achieve better quality as well as higher production of crops.

Jahanian Gardizi further said that digitalisation was being introduced in the agricultural sector and in this regard Aird Agriculture University Rawalpindi had established a smart farm. It should be noted that Jenny Walton was striving for promotion of fortified, iron and zinc rich varieties of food in underdeveloped countries of the world.