By-Polls In NA 148: Polling Process Concludes Peacefully


By-Polls in NA 148: Polling process concludes peacefully

MULTAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th May, 2024) The polling process for by-elections in NA 148 (Multan-I) concluded peacefully as no untoward incident occurred across the constituency.

According to Election Commission office sources, the voters who entered the polling premises within the polling time period would cast their votes.

In the general elections, Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani had won the seat. However, the seat was vacant after he assumed charge of the Chairman Senate.

Tough competition is being expected between PPP candidate Syed Ali Qasim Gillani and Sunni Ittehad Council candidate Malik Taimur Altaf Mahay.