City Mayor Mardan Emphasizes Progress Toward Sustainable Development

City Mayor Mardan emphasizes progress toward sustainable development

MARDAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th May, 2024) The City Mayor of Mardan, Himayatullah Mayar Sunday emphasized the importance of aligning developmental projects with international sustainable development goals (SDGs) to ensure the progress of the region.

Speaking at a consultative session organized by the non-governmental organization CPDI with financial support from GIZ, Himayatullah Mayar highlighted the necessity of steering local government projects in Mardan towards achieving these goals.

The session, which was also attended by Dr. Hussain Ali, Assistant Professor at Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan and CPDI resource person, provided technical support on various developmental aspects.

He stressed that areas such as education, youth welfare, support for impoverished women, sports, family planning, agriculture, and municipal services need to be tailored to meet the specific needs of the local population.

Mayor Mardan acknowledged the initiation of a program by CPDI, GIZ, and the German government, which not only aids in the planning of developmental projects but also educates elected representatives about sustainable development practices.

He regarded this initiative as a significant step towards sustainable progress. In conclusion, Mayor Mayar expressed his gratitude to the council members, CPDI, and GIZ for their efforts and support.

The consultative session, part of the GIZ-PLG project titled “Localization of SDGs through PDP by the Tehsil Local Governments in KP Province,” focused on the formulation of Tehsil Development Plans (TDP) and saw active participation from members of the City Council Mardan, with Mayor Himayatullah Mayar attending the session.