DC Chairs District Committee Meeting To Tackle Hoarding In Sanghar

DC chairs district committee meeting to tackle hoarding in Sanghar

A meeting of the district committee formed by the federal Interior department for action against hoarders was held under the chairmanship of the Deputy Commissioner Sanghar Dr. Imran ul Hassan Khowaja

HYDERABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th May, 2024) A meeting of the district committee formed by the Federal Interior department for action against hoarders was held under the chairmanship of the Deputy Commissioner Sanghar Dr. Imran ul Hassan Khowaja.

Addressing the meeting, the Deputy Commissioner said that relief will be provided to the general public by taking legal action against the traders who are unnecessarily stockpiling common food items and agricultural fertilizers.

Dr. Khowaja directed all Assistant Commissioners and Mukhtarkar to visit the markets on daily basis and keep a close watch on black marketers and hoarders.

Assistant Commissioners, District Food Controller Munawar Ali Arain, Deputy Director Anti-Corruption Shaheed Benazirabad Abdul Razaque and other relevant officials were also present on this occasion.