DIG Appreciates Performance Of Outgoing SSP Hyderabad


DIG appreciates performance of outgoing SSP Hyderabad

The DIG Hyderabad Tariq Razzak Dharejo Friday appreciated the outgoing SSP Hyderabad Amjad Ahmed Shaikh for his good performance during his stint as the city's police chief

HYDERABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th May, 2024) The DIG Hyderabad Tariq Razzak Dharejo Friday appreciated the outgoing SSP Hyderabad Amjad Ahmed Shaikh for his good performance during his stint as the city's police chief.

In a letter of appreciation issued here, the DIG stated that at a meeting on May 15 he had evaluated the performance of all the nine SSPs posted in as many districts in Hyderabad Police Range.

"... your performance was evaluated and it showed your excellent supervision and professional skills to maintain the writ of the law," reads the letter.

The DIG mentioned that during Shaikh's tenure 68 gangs of outlaws were busted, 119 encounters occurred, 23 suspected outlaws were shot dead and 102 were injured in addition to the arrest of 3,286 accused or wanted suspects.

"Due to your splendid supervision your district Hyderabad secured first position in Hyderabad police range during the campaign launched by the IGP Sindh for the arrest of proclaimed offenders and absconders," the DIG wrote.

Dharejo said the police force had a lot of expectations from SSP Shaikh.
