Distt Govt To Adopt Zero Tolerance Policy On Violence Against Women

Distt govt to adopt zero tolerance policy on violence against women

The district administration has decided to adopt a zero-tolerance policy on violence against women to protect their basic rights and to protect women from violence

MULTAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th May, 2024) The district administration has decided to adopt a zero-tolerance policy on violence against women to protect their basic rights and to protect women from violence.

Presiding over a meeting of the Women Protection Committee here on Thursday, the Deputy Commissioner (DC) Capt (retd) Rizwan Qadeer said that a special task has been given to the violence against women centre. He said that the administration of the Violence Against Women Centre has been directed to deploy lady doctors at the centre to offer medical facilities to women.

He said that the Violence Against Women Centre was an exemplary centre in South Punjab.

The DC said that more than 12000 women have been provided justice through the centre adding that police counter, medical, X-ray and other facilities were being offered to them in the centre.

He stressed the need to create awareness among young girls about women's centres and also directed the administration and police to pay special focus on sexual assault cases.

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