Efforts Underway To Eliminate Dengue: DC

Efforts underway to eliminate dengue: DC

Deputy Commissioner Rawalpindi Hasan Waqar Cheema on Friday said that efforts were underway to control the spread of dengue larvae

RAWALPINDI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th May, 2024) Deputy Commissioner Rawalpindi Hasan Waqar Cheema on Friday said that efforts were underway to control the spread of dengue larvae.

Chairing a meeting to review anti-dengue arrangements, he said that more than one thousand workers were carrying out the surveillance of tracing dengue larvae breeding while the attendance and performance of anti-dengue teams were being monitored.

During the first phase, 77 per cent area of last year’s dengue-affected Union Councils had been cleared.

Cheema directed the Punjab food Department to display banners in hotels and restaurants to create awareness about the hazards of dengue.

He directed the health officials to prepare an updated data list of tyre shops and junkyards in their areas and take strict action against the violators of dengue SOPs.

Additional Deputy Commissioner Headquarters Zanira Aftab, CEO Health Dr. Ijaz, DDHOs and other relevant departmental officers were also present.

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