E&P Companies Plant 561,090 Saplings Under PM's Clean & Green Pakistan Drive

E&P companies plant 561,090 saplings under PM's Clean & Green Pakistan drive

The oil and gas exploration & production (E&P) companies have so far planted 561,090 saplings in different parts of the country under the Prime Minister's Clean and Green Pakistan campaign

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 29th Jun, 2020 ) :The oil and gas exploration & production (E&P) companies have so far planted 561,090 saplings in different parts of the country under the Prime Minister's Clean and Green Pakistan campaign.

The Petroleum Division, being an important stakeholder, was actively participating in the tree plantation drive of the Federal Government through E&P operators, a senior official told APP.

"Till date, more than 561,090 trees have been planted by 12 operators cumulatively at their own expense, out of which 148,017 have been planted during tenure of the current government," he said.

The ENI and Mari Petroleum companies stood top contributors by planting 50,000 plus saplings and 34,457 trees respectively during tenure of the current government.

The official reiterated that the Petroleum Division, under the leadership of Minister for Petroleum Omar Ayub Khan, would vigorously continue to participate in national campaigns and development of the country.

Prime Minister Imran Khan had launched the Clean Green Pakistan Movement (CGPM) on October, 13, 2018, under which an extensive countrywide tree plantation drive was launched.

"This national campaign underpins behavioural change and institutional strengthening. Although Pakistan is not a major contributor to global warming, but it is the seventh most affected country mainly due to the CO2 emissions by neighbouring countries and the region," the official said.

In order to increase the forest cover, the tree plantation is included as a main component of the CGPM.
