Experts Emphasize Importance Of Technical Education For Youth Employment

Experts emphasize importance of technical education for youth employment

Chairman of the Village Council Waleed Iqbal Tanoli, and Chief Safety Instructor Syed Ramzan Shah on Thursday highlighted the growing significance of technical education for youth employment in this country.

HAVELIAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th May, 2024) Chairman of the Village Council Waleed Iqbal Tanoli, and Chief Safety Instructor Syed Ramzan Shah on Thursday highlighted the growing significance of technical education for youth employment in this country.

They expressed these views while addressing certificate distribution ceremony among students who have completed their HSE safety course here.

Waleed Iqball shed light on the changing landscape where diploma holders are receiving more opportunities of employment than the degree holders globally.

Tanoli emphasized the pivotal role of technical skills in today’s developed nations, stressing that possessing such skills alongside formal education can empower individuals to earn handsome income for their families.

He stated that success stories of Pakistani youth who equip with safety certification, have found respectable employment opportunities in Arab as well as in European countries, contributing to both their families and the nation.

Waleed Iqbal while citing example of hundreds of youth from Havelian he said that now, they are serving abroad after completing safety courses.

Ramazan Shah emphasized the importance of practical skills, asserting that diploma holders are often favoured over degree holders in the global job market.

More than 30 students were honoured with certificates, symbolizing their completion of the safety course and their readiness to embark on promising career path both at home and abroad.