Experts Emphasize Importance Of Technical Skills For Youth Employment

Experts emphasize importance of technical skills for youth employment

MANSEHRA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 17th May, 2024) The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has commenced an ambitious initiative to safeguard the natural beauty of its tourist destinations. Starting from Mansehra, the campaign aims to create awareness among the public about the importance of preserving the province’s natural beauty.

Initiated by the KP Culture and Tourism Authority, the campaign seeks to engage the people in the preservation efforts and enhance their understanding of the significance of the region’s natural assets.

In this regard an event took place at a private school in Mansehra, where students participated in a ceremony by showcasing various models representing the diverse natural beauty of the province.

These models depicted iconic tourist spots, cultural heritage, artifacts, traditional musical instruments, and wildlife.

Zahid Khan Zeb, Tourism Advisor in his message emphasized the pivotal role of collaboration between the people and the KP government in fostering responsible tourism development in the province.

The KP Culture and Tourism Authority plans to extend the reach of the awareness campaign to educational institutions and various locations across Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

The Primary objective is to raise awareness about responsible tourism practices and underscore the importance of preserving the natural beauty of tourist destinations.